A Brief History of Movie Club

Movie Club started in 2016 on a whim. Four friends in Austin, Texas were tired of playing board games and JackBox and decided to share our favorite movies with each other. We never expected it would grow into what it is today, or even last this long! 7 years later and Movie Club became something special to each of its members.

Movie Club in hot debate over the winner of our next Bracket.

For me, Movie Club is so many things. It is a way for me to stay in touch with friends I would have lost touch with otherwise. All of the members of Movie Club came together working in a small drive-thru chicken joint. We’ve all moved on and grown into our own, finding new careers and moving around the country - but we’ve had this group and our regularly scheduled visits to keep us in each other’s lives. 

Movie Club celebrates the release of Suspiria 2018, remake of the beloved Movie Club classic, Suspiria

Movie Club members reunite in San Francisco

Movie Club is also a way for me to explore (and share) different perspectives. Movies are a portal into another world, but they are also a window into their creators’ minds and the culture surrounding their origin. Through this group, I have been introduced to Gullah culture (Daughters of the Dust), LGBTQ+ struggles (Paris is Burning, But I’m a Cheerleader), New French Extremity (À l'intérieur), B-Movie staples (Return of the Killer Tomatoes!) and so much more. Furthermore, as the only female/Asian-American of the group, I get to make my friends and boyfriend-now-husband sit through all my favorite picks such as My Best Friend’s Wedding and Why Don’t You Play in Hell?

If you’re looking for a way to connect with others, flex your creative muscles, and learn more about your friends and other points of view, you should start your own Movie Club!

We’ve outlined How to Start Your Movie Club. Check it out and let us know how it goes by contacting us through any of the below links!


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IN & OF ITSELF, Post Malone, and the Magic of Magic